The great thing about winter
No guilty apathy
No Dichotomy Dictosaurus
Will change my mind
You’re not my Dad!
I enjoy a cold romp
Farting around in the mush
Good excuse to get drunk
There always is
Ideas for your face
Don’t look, don’t speak, don’t smile. Imagine the Metro if social politeness were enforced. “Maam, you are required by law to flirt with that man who is staring lustfully at your exposed ankles.” Or “Sir, please engage the passenger to your left, stating your stance on the Israeli Palestine conflict.” Wouldn’t the Metro be an adventure, instead of a silent slide through the tunnels of a cold city?
They’re everywhere, though some say they aren’t
Fuck them
Saucers, spheres, globes, orbs, cylinders, triangles, ovals
Every shape and size
All colours
They float
Some fear, others worship
I hope not
Bill Clinton wonders
But he never found out
Over a period of days, they floated
Shining their lights, in big triangular ways
And humans, with their little triangular prayers
The government sent two f-16 jets to kill it
But the triangles--they darted around
Teasing the stupid humans
Mock speed
And the glorious Belgian’s, they told everyone
That was nice of them
Probings…we fear the probe
Anus, aliens
Sightings from thousands of years ago
On cave walls
Tom Cruise knows they exist, why doesn’t Katie?
Do it for the baby Katie…the baby!
And still we wait, procrastinate
Infrared is the way, the geeks say
Switch it on, on your camera
The button is right there, no right there fuck
The button won’t do your homework
It might however, let you make a better sex tape than
Or see the aliens
At night, they might land behind your barn
If you have a barn, who does?
Not since industrialization
If they leave a pattern in your crops
Don’t worry
They will grow back next season
With the help of modern chemicals
You can still make mortgage if Henry gets another job
Just for a little while
The cows were mutilated
That’s ok; Burger King is just down the street
Right beside Future Shop
There is much to be said on aliens
They probably make nature shows, about us
We’re silly
And they float
What have you done?